The Gay No More Telethon

Book and Music by Michael DiGaetano
Music by Albin Konopka

“Let’s get one thing straight!”

The supporters of Reverend Vernon Jackson’s Religious Broadcasting Network in Nashville did not approve of homosexuality. They wanted the Reverend to use his relationship with God to end it. So he created a conversion therapy program and paid for it by holding a telethon featuring popular formerly gay performers he turned straight. But a decade later, he regrets it and using clips from the telethon, confesses the error of his ways and what changed his mind. - Melanie N. Lee

“The ‘Gay No More’ Telethon tunefully trashes both the TV telethon and the hand-wringing over homosexuality by followers of what I call over Southern-friend Christianity. The play’s clever premise evokes many laughs. So do the well-crafted, tuneful, sometimes raunchy songs”

Time Out New York - Drew Toal

“Jerry Falwell would be rolling over in his grave if he knew about Michael DiGaetano’s fundie-baiting musical”

EDGE NY - Rob Lester

“The happy news is the creators and cast of The ‘Gay No More’ Telethon have found the right tone of satire… this is one of those comic put-ons that can litterally be called a -laugh-per-minute show… clever songs that provide eye lifting rhymes for various sexual practices… internal rhymes are abundant and well done… Highly recommended and highly amusing. The first-night audience agreed whole-heartedly”

American Theater Web - Andy Probst

“There is a lot of fun to be had here. DiGaetano’s lyrics often surprise with their wit.”


Tracks from Gay No More